ntah ehk?

Thursday, August 6, 2009


alot of things.

Things im going to blog about today,

  1. Sexual Talk with Parents
  2. Privacy & having the right
  3. Kids nowadays
Sexual Talks With Parents
Whenever my mom and my sister talks about things like sex, porn, etc, I'll sit somewhere else and do my stuff. I'll do ANYTHING to avoid listening to them talk. I just dont like it. I dont feel comfortable. Ergh. They are very open minded and I feel that its not needed. Come on, stop it sey. Menyampah. You guys wanna talk, go inside the room or something. Im the youngest there ok. (excluding my lil brother who dosent understand a single crap. All he knows is gugu gaga)

Privacy & Having The Right
HUMAN BEINGS THIS IS MY FAVORITE TOPIC OF THE POST! Heh. Why? Because I know i deserve this thing called Privacy. I dont need nosey dumdums going through my diary and shit. I dont know why but I trust my bestfriends more (those i know who i can trust lah) then my own family members. It's just how I feel dammit. I dont like my family members reading through my blog, diary, going through my facebook, tagged, or whatever. Its just stupid. My secrets will be revealed. I hate it. I'll be comfortable with a sister who shares secrets and keeps it that way rather than one who tells it to mom like one sick kid like that. I respect your stuff, you respect mine. I dont read your diary, you dont read mine. Well I do read your diary lah but I never tell mom about anything what!?! You're just so childish sis. I hate you. Hehe.

Kids nowadays
We dont need to teach them, they learn already by looking at what people nowadays are doing. Sheesh, primary school kids smoke, never go home, etc. What's happening to the world eh? I wonder. Skali the next generation babies start smokin weed :P Ok sarcastic crap. HAHAHA.
Mom bought new specs for me which costs 130 bucks. Angin apa eh mommy? Tiba-tiba belikan specs. ^^ Hee.

The first time I got screened by a police was under a block, I was with my usual primary school cliques and that was when I was in primary 6. I was making so much noise with my friends, laughing and all that. Haha. Ok, here's the conversations k.
E: Eh, kampau.
D: Mane? *still laughing*
E: Tu bodo. Haha.
F: Ish cabot uh.
T: Tkya, relax je.
D: Tu ah korang kanchong sangat.
*police horns asking us to go there*
D: Eh dia panggil.
*all walks over, i was the bravest hohoho*
D: ah yes?
Police: Please lower down your volume. Kalau tak kite halau.
D: Ok.
Police: Thanks.
EFTD: Welcome.
*continue the kecohness*
Police came back. HEHE. Kene halau. :P

2nd time screened, I was with my 2 friends Nagesh and Kiekie. Smoking. Hahahhaa. Rabak.
*huff and puff*
Nagesh: throw away bodo.
Kie: *last puff, throws*
Deana: Ish. Spoil my mood. Lucky i wearing __ school shirt, not my school shirt.
Nagesh: Busted sia. Hahahaha.
Kie: hahahaa.
*police comes over*
Police: waht are you guys doing here?
Nagesh: Lepak ah.
Deana: *fiddles with hp*
Police: can i see your hp?
Deana: *hands over hp*
Police: *check check*
Deana: dah?
Police: Alright i need you guys to write ur name, ic number and address.
*all write*
Police: thanks. enjoy!
Deana Nagesh Kie: Laughing like fug. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
He can still say enjoy? HAHAHAHHA. cool police (:

Theres more, but im just lazy to type. HEHEHE.

Xoxo, D.
p/s SAYANG! (:

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