ntah ehk?

Thursday, September 3, 2009


miss me kiss me lick me

today's the most tiring day of the week!
in school, nothing much lah.
just that i talked to that person who made me angry ^^
and things got better. so yeah.
after school
went to do my hair
i love my hair
but when i tie it up,
i look weird
whatever sehhhhhhhh

oh and to whom it may concern:
fuck you ah. nak mengumpat pakai otak ah. dont make it obvious bodo.
tengok2 aku satsat nape sak? kau pikir kau big fuck per?
kau surrounded by boys so what?
bitch lah katekan?
tkya buke puase,
buke isap bird nye si dia tu la yang kau gile gile kan pat mother tongue class.
busted siak.
meh sini meh,
bobal ngan aku face to face.
da bace, puas?
deana gembira!

xoxo, DEANA


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