ntah ehk?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


New life, new book, new chapter.

Hello world.
I have a reason to why I changed my blog link, alright?
Ask me if you wanna know why ^^
Anyways, today, Mommy and I witnessed a kid trying to STEAL drinks.
Bulan puasa siaa, and furthermore, they are malays and only primary 3 and primary 4.
"Eh kau nak air ni?" I overheard Boykental talking to Boytaik.
So I said to Mommy, "agaknye dorang nak curik. tengok yok." (maybe they want to steal, lets watch.) As we watched, Boykental ran with 2 drinks.
M: Oi oi, ape kau buat? Mari sini!
BK: Takde pape.
M: Da bayar belom?
BK: Belom.
M: Kau curik eh? Bulan puasa macam gini. Aunty! Aunty! Mana aunty tu?
BK: Tak tau. *puts drinks back*
M: Aunty, these 2 boys were trying to steal your things.
BT: I never. He only.
BK: He also. *looks at my mommy* Die curik gula gula.
BT: Die curik air.
A: Nevermind. Ah you boys arr, I call police. You want me call police or you call your mother father come down?
M: Dont give chance this one. I dont want them to be spoilt brats when they grow up. That's why.
A: Yaa, this one first time. I always give chance, the kids. Aiyahhh, jialat.
A: Wat ur mother number?
BK AND BT: I dont know.
M: Sape kat ruma?
BK: Takde orang. Nenek je.
M: Panggil turon.
BK: Tk bleh. Nenek sakit kaki.
M: Mak?
BK: Keje.
M: Bapak?
BK: Bapak tinggal pat sembawang arr.

Ahhh, the thing too long. I lazy to type.
More info, ask me.
But there's one part I would like to share.

M: This one both schooling at Shuqun. Can go school if they never come down with parents later.
BK: Nono, i never school at Shuqun. I school at Rulang.
M: Ok.

I can see that they are still not matured seh. Everything bilang. Ala, budak kecik. Apa nak buat? Hee ^^ Kesian. Lain kali nak tips curik mencurik, tanya kakak ok? Haha! Joking :P

I miss you so badly. I think you know who you are. You should know. I made a mistake, and regretted. I really am sorry. Can I be your shawty once again? This feeling for you came back, and I'm sure I'd be a better one, rather than last time. I love you Mr Red-Baju-Raya. Muah!


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