ntah ehk?

Friday, December 4, 2009


Girls' Rights.

Taken from a website (:
Words in BOLD are my own words, lolx.


- To be able to express our views without the fear of negative repercussions even if they're different then others.
Sometimes guys are just too sensitive ah. Tklei angkat siol dorang nye perangai kadang2.

- You can express your differences without fear. You can decide I will not do ______, I will wear______, I will meet ______ because you feel it is right.
We cant just go with what the BF wants what. We have the right to make our own choices. Aku nak pakai ape pon, aku punye pasal.

- You can expect to receive clear answers to the questions that are your legitimate concern.
Lets say I ask you, "Why are you out with her?" Then you say, "Why must you know?" That's when things go wrong. So boys, answer your gf properly ah siol.

- The right to live free of fear, criticism, accusation, blame , threats, judgment and unsolicited advice.
Takyah nak sepaksepak aku ke, pukul aku ke, aku bleyh report kau pat police okey janteh.

- The right to live free from angry outbursts and rage. You are not responsible for another person’s behavior.
Biar aku marah, asalkan kau tau aku sayang kau.

- The right to end the relationship without fear.
Ok ni susah sikit ah nak explain XD

- The right to be free from unsolicited phone calls, stalking and nasty rumors about you. You can seek protection from law.
Call police. Easy peasy.

- You are an adult and are able to make your decisions.
So don't depend on your bf for answers.

Credits: Website i went to, deedi fcuks for the topic.
these are all what my opinions are, not that my bf does those things to me.
i've yet to see. hehe.

Xoxo Deana
P.S: I hate stalkers.

Love is never disrespectful, if it is then it is not Love. Think it over. You deserve better.


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