ntah ehk?

Friday, August 14, 2009


today was really a great day.

hey hey hey! sorry uh no pics, lazy to upload sey.
today was a really great day yaw. well at first it sucked.
dont ask why because i don't wanna elaborate on that sad part.
lets talk about during the sports carnival.
i cried because of something, but cooled down after sitting with awesome people!
- hakheem
- akif
- syahril
- maii
- Hannah
(sorry if i forgot any of y'all)
they were AWESOME i tell ya! they cheered me up more than ANYBODY could. especially akif and syahril! read on to know what happened ^^
well firstly i came by and talked to akif downstairs with the blazing hot sun shining towards our directions. then akif said, 'eh lets go up, its hot down here'. so i was like, 'oh okay!'. as i went up, they said 'eh lets dance'. so i was like, 'eh ya, lets dance'. while watching maii eat. i sorta "seduced" hakheem by like making a move at the part where fergie said "lada di da da di daaaaaaaaa" in her song pump it. it was cool ya! hahaha.
after that, i talked to Hannah and maii and SETTLED EVERYTHING PEACEFULLY. PEACE-FUL-LY! Hehh. headed to multi purpose hall with Hannah and maii, the awesome.
after blabbering about the winners, there was a break! so i went over to talk to akif.
we played SCISSORS PAPER STONE SLAP VERSION. he was literally winning all the way. pfft! hahahaha. then he ajak me after sports day hang out or something. so i went ah after sports day. had a great great greaaaaaaat time with them even though its tiring and challenging at the same time.
us four, Hakheem Akif Syahril Deana, main plan was to head to school and do something. so i said okay, then hakheem remembered that he left his wallet. and i actually described a wallet i saw maii holding so yeahs it was his wallet, called maii and maii was at FAR EAST. so we headed there by bus.
before that we were waiting for the taking-own-sweet-time bus while singing and tolerating someone's annoyance. (Ahmad, heh)so we kinda missed 171.. i was like WTH? so hakheem/akif said lets go walk to the next bus stop. from far, we saw 171. i was like EHHH! then hakheem was like, "RUN!!!" so we kinda ran for the bus. HAHAHAAHA! we made it! and then headed over to far east.
met maii and hannah, took the wallet and was thinking whether to take bus or train home. so akif thought he couldnt, so did i, and syahril wanted to take train. so hakheem had to go, and he went.
after a while akif said wanna check the MRT fare. so we went.
WE COULD HAVE JUST FOLLOWED HAKHEEM! coz we could afford it. hahahhah.
we were tired.
in the train, WAS THE BEST!
us three, syahril akif deana.
we were like talking, playing games, daring each other and all that!
cool rightttttttttt. they were like making me laugh.
we were laughing till our stomachs felt like we just did 1371829128934612739 crunches! ahahahahahaha.
what joke? heh heh cannot type, later KIDS PAUTO TEACHER i die.
hahahhahahahaahahahaha ask me personally uh
but seriously,
im happy because akif said that he could see a change, a really big change in me, IN A GOOD WAY! and he's at ease with me. i was like SHIT last time. and now looks like akif, syahril, hakheem, maii and hannah might be close to each other. Akif especially! (= im so happy Allah showed that theres at least 2-3 people, maybe more, who cares for me and makes me laugh big time! wooh. here's another long post hahahha.
to akif, thanks for making me laugh today. syahril too! and no, dont need to pity me. we were all sleepy yeah. and the jokes, heh. i couldnt take it but LAUGH OUT LOUD! hahahahahahahahaha. shhh...
to maii and hannah, its settled. lets just take it easy. i know i didnt do wrong. even if i did, i apologized and its SETTLED. thanks (:
oh ya, i almost forgot!
after sending akif to the bus stop, intentionally wanting to head home but i saw my primary school friends and so i kinda sat with them.
hahahahaha. amirul kacau deana rabak sio! hahahahaha. hafiz kacau minah laaaaagi rabak! hahahahaha. only we know :P pffffft of course bf will know lah.

xoxo, D.
ps. i found somebody better than the ones i had. i appreciated those times, and i still appreciate you guys, but its only 1 of you who i still trust right now. SHE knows who SHE is. (: and ey, i got a new bestie laaa~ sort of. heee. AKIF :D
woots, i hope this friendship will last.
thanks for the pat on the shoulder, akif. i wont let you down. (:

bf, i love you. *hugs you tight* and i miss bambi's voice. hehee (:

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