kay, lets start from today morning. i went out of house at 6.35am. reached school and so i thought i can happily head over to my locker to get my books, buuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttt, as i step in school, everyone stopped at a side and started taking out a form. - Declaration Form. OH MA GOD. i never fill up and never bring also. so leceh, need to go up to hall and wait and wait. luckily, theres mr chairman eric. wooo. but he was sitting on stage coz he went overseas. hehh. seperate -.-" then came tarmizi. then yuni. woooo. talk alot with them. ok da. then, after which, i went back to class and norbarney the notorious dinosaur teacher was there. heh. and and. lessons as usual but talk alot lah. haha. clock striked 9.45am and i went out of class. this is the sweetest part. some crazy bogeh woman shouted. "MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!" i was like, "ehhhhh FIRAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i ran to her, she ran to me. sweet. i hugged her tight. gave her a little swing. (im strong lah, she very nice to hug okay) i promised you the hug firah girl, and i gave it. i appreciate you being there for me whenever you're there for me. I LOVE YOU girl. thanks for putting hope on me and not giving up on me. you're the only bugger who understands me. we cant fight, because we understand each other. i maki you, you maki me back. firah, believe it or not, tears are rolling down my cheeks becoz im touched of whatever that you do to make me happy. i love feeding you during recess. chicken chop. with your face mengadap at me, i know that you want some of my food. i want you to know that i really appreciate you. you're in a special place in my heart. our 7th monthsary is coming soon babygirl. eventhough you spend more time with deedi outside, i dont mind, because in school you're always there for me. with our arms locked with each other. and your anna sui wallet in your hand. firah, you are so cute sometimes. and remember that deal i made with you about ____ (: i'll do my best to keep it going on. despite the fact that i had fallen in and out of love many times, you're always in a special place in my heart. deep down inside, you are really my true friend. im sure this convinces you that i really appreciate you firah. nor zafirah bin jamaludin, my one and only girlfriend. ♥ i spent recess with firah and deedi and the boys. mat tong sampah jahat. DEANA: farisssssss! *holds out hand to shake hands* FARIS: ehhhh hitammmm~ *shakes hands with a pop on the thumb!* DEANA: babi kau! FIRAH: laugh. then we went down together. headed to normal boys table. ate chicken chop, fed firah. heehee. after recess, lessons-.- i drew alot today. like, doodles. heh! after school, met firah once again. THANK YOU firah. for pulling me to the other side when you knew that he was there looking for me. THANK YOU for cheering me up and assuring to me that nothing will happen to me. and nothing did. hehe. after bidding goodbye to firah, deedi teman-ed me to bus stop. after that went seperate ways. met a friend, lepak. otw back home, i saw isaac. hehehehehehe. my ex. and then, he waved at me, and i smiled. then i walked and i looked behind, didnt see him. then i look infront and poof! "DEANA!DEANA!WAIT." then i was like, "yeah?" he was like, "what's ur number?" and i was like, uhhh. "8.." and he was like, "wait wait." he replied a msg and then he said, "what's that again?" and i was like, "uhh 8393****" then he was like, "okay. i'll text you" and i was like, okay. smile. "okay, this is awkward." he said. i smiled again. hahah. he texted, "Hi. You got me." And i was like, UH? GOT YOU? ahahah. and now im at home, updating this blog. that's what happened today! xoxo deana.
hello people. time check 1210am. im still not asleep? esok kan skola. tsk. had a great day today at Bugis with my dear Xueting, Yuni and Xueli. watched a movie called, "Ghosts Of The Girlfriends". Was a lil bit dirty but okay uh, had a sweet ending. uhhhhhhhhhhh.. i miss fatlyyyyyyyyyyy? hahahahahahahahaahaha. AYE tuesday i meeting him. insya'allah. all the way to jurong from PASIR RIS? waaaah~ okkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. thats all. bye. lazy uh, hehe.
watch it, and get crazyyyyy like him k? hahahha. sick mahfcka.
anyways, Yuni, Xt, when are we gonna get out? SCHOOL IS OPENING TOMORROW. fuck. hahahahhaahahahaha. you got bring books back home anot?! i never siaaaaaaaaa. hahahahah. and and, everyone! LETS BEG FOR MR NAZRA TO TEACH US! i miss him like fzknczmxzcbnzxcbznmczxmncz SIAAAA. -.- tsk get back luh you short teacher. YOUR "CONVERT" IS VERY NICE TO HEAR YKNOW *inside joke* and xt, thank you so much, k? (: i really dont know how to repay you sia. hmmmm. you've helped me alot girl. thanksssss! and yuni too, you too have helped me alot! thanks so much girls. THANKS. (: hello world. today is the last day of the holidays. fuck. i feel very UNhappy. homework? history's thrown away. science workbook? left in locker. what'd i bring home? pencilcase. lazybum deana. spank you then you know. tsk. im gonna die tomorrow. brrr~ kthxbai. fadlee jahat. never reply my message yesterday at night. but he did this mornink :P kthanksbye.
YES! Im finally ready to let out my inner feelings. Jeng jeng jeng. Brother found a pic of which i took last 2 years, with that babi. HAAHAHA FUCK isnt it? Ala, people who knows, knows k! Those who dont know... Ask me, haha. This friend of mine, I knew him since last year. Buuuuuut, we lost contact i dont know how. Till 18June09, i added him in MSN coz i came across his friendster. He was there when I needed him, despite the fact that we haven't met. As in he was there laa on the phone and shit. Nvm, Lazy. Bye. Xoxo.
-dydii ; says: Hello. Im a retard going around asking people opinions. Now im asking. What's your reaction when you found out that MJ, the king of pop, has MAMPOS liao? Nabil says: sad - dydii ; says: WHY Nabil says: lost another talent, another phaedophile Nabil says: his one of the best musicians - dydii ; says: ohhh THANK YOU. now i got something to blog about. BYE. Nabil says: -.- - dydii ; says: EH COOL. continue doing that. Nabil says: do what - dydii ; says: -.- Nabil says: -.- - dydii ; says: nice; like you.
------------------------------- - dydii ; says: i dont believe mj died hey yy; says: hmm hey yy; says: i also hey yy; says: so sudden hey yy; says: wasted - dydii ; says: OF ALL PEOPLE !!!!!!! hey yy; says: i thought i still can see him live hey yy; says: argh - dydii ; says: that why-.-
hello people, i found out that yykid and i has a similarity which i think, LOTSA people like you do too. read on.
hey yy; says: don't bring minahs and mat please - dydii ; says: sorry eh im not into them at all. hey yy; says: good then - dydii ; says: yeahhh.
despise mats and minahs. they suck, big time. fuck minahs and mats. go away! haha. fanatick motherfuckers. thin eyebrows. dresscode? pfft. mini skirt, slipper adidas, tappered pants, skinny jeans, etc. you guys know it. I simply despise you guys. if you're one of them, and reading this, i dont give two shits about it. :D
MJ died and i dont believe it. crap. SITI, please spar with me. K bye. Fadlee owns big thighs, which i love to sleep on. He is a very naughty boy. Yet, i sayaaaang Fadlee. AHAHAHA
1) Besides your lips,where is your favourite spot to get kiss? - BOOBS
2) How do you feel when you wake up this morning? - EXCITED SIA 3) Who was the last person you took photo with? - LIL BROTHER
4) Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? - ERRRR SPOILED AS IN TOO PAMPERED? YES :D
5) Would you ever donate blood? - I WOULD BUT I TAKOT SIAK 6)Have you had a bestfriend who was the opposite sex? - LIKE DUHHH, DAHRI SHORTY 7) Do you want someone dead? - ERRR YES, LIKE ALL THE MINAHREPS AND MATREPS AH
8) What does your last msg says? - "CALL ME WHEN I FINISH SHOWERING K" 9)What are you thinking right now? - NAK MAKAN APER EHH NANTI?
10)Do you wish someone to be with you right now? - ERM YES. HEHE. 11)What is the tyme you go to bed last night? -3.25AM 12) Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now? - BRAZIL SHIRT.
13) Is someone on your mind? - OBVIOUSLY 14) Who was the last person texted you? - IQBAL! 15) Tag 8 random people to do this survey! 1) RAHMAT 2) DERICK 3) AZHAR 4) ZAFIRAH SAYANG 5) DEEDI SHAWTY SAYANG 6) YUNI AMILOH THE ELEPHANT 7) XUETING TENOTS 8) ASYRAFF KIDDOOO
16: Who is no 2 having relationship with? - SOME CHICK LAH
17: Is no 3 a male or female? - MALE AH! 18: Say something about no 1. - HE'S GOOD AT MAKING ME SMILE
19: Is no 4 single ? - ATTACHED TO SHUKRI SHORTY.
Quiz again aites ppl since i got nothing to update If you consider urself as my fren & u r bored ? Why not try this quiz out on ur blog aite peeps ? I have. . . (a point for each)
1. smoked. [X] 2. consumed alcohol. 3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex. [X] 4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex. [X] 5. kissed someone of the same sex. [X] 6. had sex. 7. had someone in your room other than family. [X] 8. watched porn. [X] 9. bought porn. 10. tried drugs.
1. taken painkillers. [X] 2. taken someone else's prescription medicine. [X] 3. lied to your parents. [X] 4. lied to a friend. [X] 5. snuck out of the house. 6. done something illegal. [X] 7. felt hurt. [X] 8. hurt someone. [X] 9. wished someone to die. [X] 10. seen someone die. [X]
1. missed curfew. [X] 2. stayed out all night. [X] 3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself. [X] 4. been to a therapist. [X] 7. received a ticket. [X] 5. been to rehab. 6. dyed your hair. [X] 8. been in an accident. [X] 9. been to a club. [X] 10. been to a bar.
1. been to a wild party. 2. been to a Mardi Gras parade. 3. drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night. 4. had a spring break in Florida. 5. sniffed anything. [X] 6. wore black nail polish. [X] 7. wore arm bands. [X] 8. wore t-shirts with band names. [X] 9. listened to rap. [X] 10. owned a 50 Cent CD.
1. dressed gothic. [X] 2. dressed girly. [X] 3. dressed punk. [X] 4. dressed grunge. [X] 5. stole something. [X] 6. been too drunk to remember anything. 7. blacked out. 8. fainted. 9. had a crush on a neighbour.[X] TOTAL: 6 1. had a crush on a friend. [X] 2. been to a concert.[X] 3. dry-humped someone. 4. been called a slut. [X] 5. called someone a slut. [X] 6. installed speakers in your car. 7. broken a mirror. [X] 8. showered at someone of the opposites sex's house. [X] 9. brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush. [X]
1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper. 2. seen an R-rated movie in theater. 3. cruised the mall. 4. skipped school. [X] 5. had surgery. [X] 6. had an injury. [X] 7. gone to court. [X] JUVENILE LA BODOH 8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping. [X] 9. caught something on fire. [X] 10. lied about your age. [X]
1. owned/rented an apartment/house. 2. broke the law in the police's presence. [X] 3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf [X] 4. got in trouble with the police. [X] 5. talked to a stranger. [X] 6. hugged a stranger.[X] 7. kissed a stranger. [X] 8. rode in the car with a stranger. 9. been harassed. 10.been verbally harassed. [X]
1. met face-to-face with someone you met online. [X] 2. stayed online for 5+ hours straight. [X] MORE ADE AH 3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight. [X] 4. watched TV for 5 hours straight. 5. been to a fair. [X] 6. been called a bad influence. [X] 7. drink and drive. 8. prank-called someone. [X] 9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex. [X] 10. cheated on a test. [X]
Grand Total: 64 I SHOULD BE IN JAIL SIA!
I'm a Goody Goody - less than 10. I'm still a goody goody - more than 10. I'm average - more than 20. I'm a bad kid - more than 30. I'm a very bad influence - more than 40. I'm a horrible person - more than 50. I should be in jail - more than 60. I should be dead - more than 70.
this is a long update sia. sorry people, hahaha. anyways, i change number. ask me for it. dont get pranked k? xD BYE!
Din.B Do i know you? btw thanks for viewing my blog D: NO UH, HAHAHA. WELCOME! Ein Anyway, you stay in the west side eh? D: YUP! HOW YOU KNOW? YUNI♥ Deana lame ;D D: SHUT UP. Reezal mcm2 url ehk? Haha. Relink soon D: OK THANKS REEZAL(: MMG BYK LINK. Faiiz kesi0w hahahahah !! Siakens arr shaff !hahahahahah ! D: HAHAHA(: SHAFF heyyy. rmb me? lol.. anw y u linkeedd me as "outside". HAHAH! cam soo outcast gituu! ahhaha. D: I REMEMBER. HAHA, OK I LINK YOU AS ANOTHER THING KAY! Kaliesa deana deana! deana ditagged. hee hee^^ D: THANKS KALIESALOVE. rahmat hahah isnt AYG and AYGOC the same? I mean im not the athlete... D: RANDOM PER RAHMAT! HAHAHA. Faiiz kesi0w visit my blog ok ? u r tagged to a survey D: DONE ALREADY DEAREST(: YUNI♥ Euu remember lahs wei ): D: HUH? REMEMBER WHAT. YUNI♥ wahlau . THN NEVER MISS ME ?! D: I MISS YOU LAH TENOTS.
i miss sparring with siti in school, and i envy her blogskin -.- i miss darrick's "what lah" and his pervert look. i miss zhijun's "sorry boss". i miss emilio's "wad the mum!" and disturb Krishna Curlywurly during math class. i miss Mr Thomas's bald head. i miss MR NAZRA alot, so much, alot, so much, alot, so much, manymany, like babi fuck like that, and i found his friendster. HE IS KENTAL. ok sorry k. LOL. im kental-er. K? hahaha. i didnt get to hug and say goodbye to you on thursday, coz i ___________. i miss disturbing that LAU ZHABOR during history class. i miss ZAFIRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i miss DEEDI. I MISS OUR SEPITS CLIPPED TO OUR POCKETS! i miss my siput hair in school. i miss saying "idzuan flirt". i miss looking at azhar babi walk past my class and point middle finger. i miss angah's super hot smile. i miss _____'s stare. i miss rusydi. i miss EVERYONE. school's reopening. im not done with homework. AND AND MISS HAN HAS A BABY BOY. :D CLASS BLOG I'LL MAKE. DELETE THE CURRENT ONE PLS. ITS FREAKING TAK LAWA. ok bye. :D
ps, conversation with mom otp today. i didnt talk to her seh. i wake up, she sleep. i sleep, she woke up. ok go. MAID. "na, mak panggil." *hands over phone* ME. "yes?" MAK. "mak satu hari tak dapat bobal ngan na. rindu mak." ME. *touched siol* "tu pasal ah. deana tido." MAK. "ok, kau take care k." ME. "ok. bye." MAK. "bye." Why are you so nice to me? ): I done a bad thing to you mom. Im sorry. I REALLY AM. )= xoxo D. and kakak, pls stoppppppppp gado-ing with Abang Azmi. IM TIRED OF LISTENING TO YOUR FIGHT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND. xoxoxoxoxoxo!
Yeaaah im wide awake! Time check 630pm i woke up yaw. Lambat per! Hahaha wotevah.
ehhhh, i think i got the wrong girl. i can explain, provided you give me the time to do it ey girl. *muke drake and josh* siaksiakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks its not me who started those "muke zombie" ah theres this girl pat our sch that friends and i think that girl is Ayun's gf. so its like JENGJENGJENG idk how to chakap laaa k~ nnti slowly aku blang ko k.
ahh aku pikir si _______ tu gf nye ______ so its like -.- pfftch now its complicative.
siaksiaksiak ! lolololoxzxzhqiwodnzsklnqwipoixz deana taktau ape nk ckp already. pfff dah la si _______ tu jgfklxzmqz. BLEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i dowant because of this ........ aku ngan __________ ghxzjwpizxzkl! gahhhhhhhhhhhh.
anyways, korang watch ini video clip eh.
cute kan? my brother and his anak. which reminds me today is FATHER'S DAY!
siakk peh abahh, harini kan fucking fathers day, abeh kao nak buat hal ngan aku sal? cibye, aku tk dpt update blog kan nabeis. aku nak logout blog pn tkle per sial? cibye! perangai jgn mcm shial sini keh baba~!! CHIBYEEEEEE!! __ curse sama luuuu.
happy father's day to Abahku yang perangai sot sikit tuu, and Abang Fareed! And on this 29th, abang dah nak ader 2nd child kan? woo! good luck. i hope its a boy this time ^^ taknak asyik GIRL. nanti mendak. heeha!
anyways, more updates about tonnnn! ah i miss fyza and han and all those people!
i still remember comot ckap "shilah cute la" then shilah will ckp "mane ade!"hahahaha. cute la korang!
eventhough korng ade pasangan sendiry, aku tkde, tkpetkpe! aku tk kesa psl aku otp ngan ______ , hehehhe! ok story.
aku balik dari NPCC aku mendak aku carik ah orang kat basketball court yang merepeknyeorang suke main badminton-.- then aku nampak fieza o pekik mcm orang gile ckp" deana!!" thn ok golek ade org nak lepak. then lepak2 skali fieza nk jumpe matayay dhear. so blablabla we headed to lakeside to pick up that Kecik Meow then gi lake park climb pyramid la ape la blablabla~ then after that, we headed to playground pat jurong west tuu then lepak jap coz meow nak jumpe bapak die. skali !!! bapak die nak amik gmbr sume ok blablabla amik gambar ahh seh . then after thatttt kite gi woodlands. MEOW BAYAR!! ahaha thanks meow! lpas tu kite head over to woodlands, then skali dorg kate walk over to mane ntahh esso ehk? k da sampai tros kite kene head to woodlands mrt go to yewtee. -.- cb pnat! da smpai woodland mrt then jumpe comot and friends. comot belik kan card mrt dok! thanks mot!! hahahaha. then pastu head to yewtee, then lepak kat parkkkk. dokdok pat playground bbl2 ngan ____ otp then mot ngan shilah meow ngan fieza bercouple2 aku pon bercouple2 on the fon laa kn~ hahaha. then daa letak aku pon menyebok. skali uan ke han pekik ckp " OI KORNG! CPT DTG SINIK!" thn i was like, "eh ade hal?mcm serious jek" then meow ckp "tkde pape laa" then skali gi...... jeng jeng jeng! dorang ajak laa main game-.- siak jerk korang buat suspence je. skali the game truf or dare. daa tu da blog kn smlm? ah k da. then sampai pagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. then da. hahahahaa. then pagi we headed to another place, tk tau kat ane. bobal2. kiwekk kecho laaa ngan korang! aku kangen same HAN. :D HEHEHEHEHE. manyak2 orng kat sane aku paling kangen ngan HAN !!!!!!!! hahahahahaha. he so so klakar. ok golek tu je. pastu kul pagi dlm kul 630 gitu gi mrt station nak settle plak lagi satu hal.. -- TAK CKUP DUIT NAK BELIK CARD MRT!!!! pet pot pet pot skali fieza kua kn 10 bucks. ahahahahahahaha.. tu jek. then gi rumah fyza tidoooooo Zzzzzz sampai kul 11!
ehk aku seriously nak mix ngan korang sia. tapi korang cham tak suke jek-.- whts the reason ehk? haha. sume org cham bole clique ngan aku tapi korang tkleh? tsk tsk
hello world. guess what? im not asleep for like 36 hours AND COUNTING! i ton-ed yesterdayyyyy. ton-ed with, FIFI GILER, SHILAA, COMOT, SAUDI, HAN SAPAU AKA SUKE GIGIT BIBIR AKA HOT HOT HEAT AKA BIG BOY, KECIK MEOW AKA ANGKONGSIAOW AKA GILEGILEKAN FIFI GILER, FYZAH, UAN. we played truth or dare :D i was dared 3 times. RABAAAAAK PNYE ! especially the one with han sapau, cibeh. over saaaaaaak. tapitapitapi, fyzah kene lagik terok. WAKAKAKAKA. i wont mention what laa kn. kekekekeke [: tapitapi, i will mention some of what we did laa okeh. - kecik lick saudi ear - uan carry comot like so romantish - han sapau do push up while fyzah sits on him (macham senang) - uan peck han sapau on the lips! - deana peck uan on the cheek - fyzah SL ngan saudi kenek uat saudi STEAM rabakkkkkk there's alot la. kekeyk la dorg. and soooo best per lepak ngan korg.
*favourite part of the morning? like 6 am?* HAN ask me "ape case?" I answer HAN "minor cases laa" SAUDI kepo ckp "suitcase?" HAN pon support saudi ckp, "briefcase" I answer BOTH of them,"mcm small misleading things that makes me into trouble la korng ni!" UAN pon kepo ckp, "pencilcase" I say, "ok uan extra eh"
then main SPIN THE BOTTLE PLAK TUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. sape nye idea? gua nye idea! kiwek, cute sak fyzah. suap aku tuh circular thingy crackers. AHAHAHAH alala so many things happened. as i got home things got wrong, but i settled it ;D no worries people. for you guys la. as for me............
hp confiscate? no way! com tkle pakai? tu bleh ah, tak pasal(: tapi boleh keluar, tak balik pon takpe. asal kan __________ datang every month. -.- LAME SHIT k bye.
forget about your girlfriend, and meet me at the hotel room.
Happy belated birthday to you FadLeeee(:
SSSAAAAAPPPPPP !! Today, i woke up at 12 in the afternoon and i feel so fresh . i asked mom if i could go out and you know what she said? she said, NO. Why ? Because , this ex boyfriend of mine called her HP and she picked up ! Idk what the hell he said , but mommy didn't like him . AND SO DO I . I HATE THAT EX OF MINE -.-" Hmmmmmmmmms. Well oh well, Ehem's making me confused. Wana know why? He actually went online then straight away tell me, "You, i'll be going ____ today tau, pat Lakeside. And my prepaid kosong. Ok?" Then in my heart, i was like "waink? lain macham jerk dier blang aku? Okae, bagos jgak lah ye." So i replied, "Oh, kay. Esok jumpe tak? Ke u nak meet me today i kasi your baju?" Then he said, "Why not?" Then i said, "If you nak, meet me kat my window i kasi. So you meeting me tomorrow?" Then he said, "Hmmm.." Then i said, "Kalau taknak meet, ckp, jgn buat i menanti." THEN~ WHILE I WAS WAITING FOR HIS REPLY, HE OFFLINE. WAT THE FART! Kalau tak nak jumpe, boleh mention ape.Takya nak offline gituk macham. Tak baik tau tak. I sedih. Now i dont know your plans, and i've to wait for tomorrow and i have school, tak tau boleh online ke tak siak. Idk what's wrong with you seh.
NEXT. Yesterday, I got to know a new friend named Az. And he's nice. He listened to my craps. Who dosen't? Haha. Hmmmmmmmm. And today, another new friend, Wan. We have similarities yet we don't really chat much now. I think he's busy. Btw, I think im slimming down. Because i have been sweatting and not eating much due to stress. Yeah people, stress. Don't ask why. Heh!
YUNI AMIRAH AMRAN! PLEASE stop sleeping late lah. Me and Siti wants to ask you out, then you SLEEP like this ==> . Aiyo. You uh! See, i blog about you know. Who say i never? You and your BOYFRIEND, always sleep late one. Like ELEPHANT. Tsk. :P
Kaliesa, thanks for having hope on me and knowing that i can be strong. Thanks for being there when i need someone to talk to. I really appreciate that. And sorry for giving such comments to you about Aliff. I didn't mean to yeah. WELL, HE'S KINDA HOT BECAUSE HE'S TALL. tapi, i'll always think Ehem is much hotter. Ala, our Ehems are as hot okay? Love ya! Xoxo.
Lastly, to that pathetic yousokeling hate tagger. If you're a guy, you got no ballz to admit who you are. And if you're a chick, then i'll say, "own up laaaaaaa. takot per?" Hahahh. I like to entertain my haters because they rock. HAHAHA. They so make me famous la. Tag more if you want laa lovely hate taggers(: Like Emilio said, Go recite india's prata pledge. WAKAKAKAKA! Deana merepek :P Oriteeee, BYEBYE! we the citizen of india, pledge ourselves to eat prata everyday, regardless of curry,sugar,or ur pee,to build an fat ass society based on only curry and nothing else. (c) EMILIO STARBOY MILO :D final thing is, i dont know if im still in love. today is my happyhappy day ~ i found fadhli's msn :P and we chat ! WOOHOO much !
i pulled you till my asshole wanted to come out of my butt.
and your screams when i.......
dropped inside the water -.-
the fun we had at WCP. I loved it. Eventhough it was just the 2 of us, i had great fun with you. You're my bestest trustworthy bogey friend ever.
but im so happy that you look like that. rather than you look like this.
keep on scrolling babeh.
yeah, that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA. kimek, confirm kau ngah ketawe rabak nye kan skarang?! mwaaaaaaaaahahahahaha. saaaayang kau kay(:
Alrightos! Let's start crappinnnn~ I was otp with Firah when a stupid matrep asked me to call him. He's freaking irritating! Me and Firah calls him Mat Teh Tarik. Ohkay whatever! So the thing goes like this, i confrenced with firah but i told firah to mute~ shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Then the conversation starts. Mat: U.. Me: Uh? Mat: Aper seh u tak jumpe i.. Me: Takde mase.
Mat: Ape seh u.. I sakit seh.. Me: Gi doctor ah.
Mat: Hmm... Jumpe i ah. Me: Tkleh keluar. Mat: U ni..
THEN I RECIEVED A MSG FROM FIRAH, "suare cb!". Me: laugh Mat: asal u ketawe? Me: I punye pasal uh. Mat: Ish.. asal ni b? Me: Tkde pape. Asal u panggil i B? u sape ngan i? Mat: Da la u.. Me: Da aper? Letak uh! Mat: U ckp eh.. Da tknk syg u lagi.. Me: Tak pasal ar! Mat: Ok lor.. Me: Ah bagos. Mat: Ala beh majok? Muuuuack sorry k. Me: Ah. THEN I RECIEVE A TEXT MESSAGE. "siak konek koyak sia." from firah. Me: Laugh Mat: Sal u ketawe? Me: takde, kwn i ni.. konek die kooyaaaaakk.. kesian! Mat: Huh? Asal seh? Me: Psl die horny basturd.. Mat: ooo... Me: WAKAKAKAKAKA Mat; asal ni u? Me: tkde pape.. Mat: U nga confrence ehk? Me: tk la.. Mat: Sumpah? Me: Yup.. Mat: Ok lor.. D da nk bobok. esok B col D k.. Me: INSYALLAH(tak).. Mat: bye.. love u.. muack.. Me: Bye. Mat: Eh u!! MUACK laa.. Me: ee.. walaoeh... bye arh!!!! FIRAH TEXTED ME AGAIN. "siak uhhh suare mcm konek tersendat siol!" CB after that, he hung up and i malas wana layan him. Then i got to know he has a gf. NI LAH MATREP ZAMAN SKARANG! Aku pooooooon mls nk layan lelaki lain. oh , on a side note..
OH PFK, why are you being so unfair towards me?
Please dont ignore me because im doing so much just to get your
i just wonder why boys are unfair sometimes. aku gini, tkleh. kau gini, boleh. aku gitu, tkleh. kau gitu, boleh. i dont mind you controlling me, but please ah. nak control pon, ade limit. you gotta be fair too, correct? im saying this soo nicely tau tak pfk. ):
KIWEK, ni jantan.
Deana: ape die? i tkle call arh!
9396****: Ape intrnet nye website nie u pkai? Mcm mane u bleh msg i through internet? Wat is the website eyk?
Deana: singtel arh.. sms.singtel.com/internetsms .. cool ehk...
9396****: Cool per! Alah,aru bsok nk plan maen ngan u sae!
Deana: hahahaa.. walao...
9396****: Nk per? U tk saket ke? I tgh saket nie!
Deana: i tak saket uhx. i healthy :D
9396****: I mean,saket bwh syg oi !
Deana: ooo. abe nak i uat ape?
9396****: I tanye u,u tk saket ke? Nk mancat tk?
Deana: tknk. i tak sakit ok.
Deana: da i nak tido, bye.
Oh and i made a new hp theme too. Hees. Anyways, i had a boring day today, as usual, i never go out la deh. Tomorrow also, not going out. No plan. I'll be going to Sentosa on Thursday to celebrate Firah and I - 6 monthsary of bestfriendship. Love her man. She's always there to listen to my craps no matter what. Woots she's bogey to me now! Hahaha. I may be laughing here, but deep inside, there's so many things in my mind. Haiz. Don't ask why ):
This song, has totally made me fallen in love with it. The title's "Let me know" by NLT. Here are some of the lyrics that touched my heart.
Plain and simple I would give my life to you Everything you needed Baby I would be it You're the only one I talk to who really knows me Tells me shows me That it's enough Sometimes just to be myself I don't want nobody else They don't understand That I gave away my heart The moment that I shook your hand
Isn't it sweet? It's also something about my life right now. Whatever. Shake it off! Brr~
BOYS: Why don't they appreciate the world which a girl who loves him, gives him?
I dont know, like seriously, its not fair. Im doing my part to save our relationship as friends, to bloom to become something called Love. I know you care, because you were THIS mad at me for doing that behind your back. But you should be happy that I myself told you the truth rather then i keep it away from you, right? Im sorry to other guys that im contacting now, im sorry i haven't been entertaining you guys that much. I'm not in the mood for other guys, because im in love. I have alot of male friends, but whenever i get on bed, i'll only think of YOU. And if you're reading this, i know you know that im referring to YOU. Im doing my best to make this up to you. And i think this is like.. I dont know ah. You're different. It always happens this way. I love you with all my heart. (you guys can say "not again", but for real i love this guy) The reason i love you is because you're different from other guys that i knew. You're fun, you don't "kongkong" me from knowing your friends. Which is good, it does mean you're not hiding anything from me. If you are, its okay if you don't tell, because I TRUST YOU 100%. Now it's your turn, do your part sayang. I need your support. I love you, i care for you. I tell you whenever i miss you. Im sorry sayang, for whatever that happened. I bought you that shirt and on friday i expect you to meet me and take it. PLEASE. I really badly wanna meet you. Im crying ): Why. Haiz. Please sayang, understand me and do your part. I beg of you.
Okay, i've let out my feelings. You guys.. I wanna make a deal. Yeah! Like to the whole world or something. Heh~ If i fail to get this guy, I wont rush to get another one. Amacham? Andandand, IF I SUCCEEEEED, i proooooomise and vow to you guys i'm gonna stick to one! PROMISE! Amacham? (: TAGTAGTAG for answers yeah babays!
And thanks to Kaliesa, she made my day. She told me stuff that made me realise my mistakes, etc. I love you KaliesaLove(: Thank you so much, girl!♥
HEY READERS! Firstly, i would like to apologise to somebody.
I wont name who, but i know that person knows himself. (: Im sorry for dissapointing you. I know i made 2 mistakes on that day. Im an honest person, and i don't lie to people especially you. I bought you a topman shirt, and i'm hoping you'd like it. Today, i'm thinking of getting you Adidas jacket, but depends on my expenses. I overspend when im at bugis or orchard. Now im telling you, i wanna make it up to you. I miss your smile, i miss your shyness, i miss gazing into your eyes and asking me "why are you looking at me like that". I miss your "wait wait, sabar. nak pose aper ni?" before you take pictures. I miss your first impression, "eh, tingginyer you!". I miss your shoulder-shrugging habit and saying "ntah". I miss your split. I miss grabbing your hand and saying sorry for what i've done. I miss your so called irritated-angry look when i say your name. You were angry per, that time. Haiz. Im sorry for doing that. I really am. If you dont give me a final chance which i've been asking for, I really am not going to give up on you.
ALRIGHTOS! Now lets bloggyblogblog! I know what to blog already loh! Hahahahaha. Yesterday, some fucked up basturd called me up and scolded me vulgarities for no reason. He knows he's in the wrong, but dosen't admit it! Maybe his bitch was beside him so he didnt admit his mistake. "AKU TAK MENGAKU AH SIAL!" fuah, i cant believe you said that eh! Tengok je muke baik, tapi perangai! Maki pompan tu senang lah ye? HAHAH! PI MATI SUDAHHHHHHH! RUMORS?! ONLY YOU AND I KNOW THE FUCKING TRUTH LAA YE! Ape laaaaa nak jadi ngan jantan zaman skarang, maki pompan mcm maki anjing gituh! Cb siak. AND EHH CMON ARR EY! AKU KALAU NAK KACAU KAU PEH LIFE, KU DA LAMER UH KACAU KAU PEH LIFE! jgn nak asalboleh ckp aku je yg bersalah. KAU pukiwak punye jantan! Carik gado per sial smlm. Aku bobal baikbaik kau bobal cham sial. Kiwekkkkkk dah lah mata berlolok mcm sial gituk beh nak bobal taik ngan aku smlm! ALRIGHTOS! aku tknk mara2 lagikkkk aku da tau da settle, da golekkkkkkkkkkkk suah ahk kay! PSL KAU, AKU BLANG NGAN LELAKI TERSAYANG DALAM HIDOP AKU PSL KAU SMPI DIE MARAH PAT AKU KAU TAU TAK! DIE SMPI SKARANG MARAH PT AKU! PSL KAU TAU TAK! YOU YOURSELF MADE A MISTAKE. YOU SAY IM DESTROYING LOVE BETWEEN YOU AND UR GF? WHAT ABOUT ME? AKU TAKDE MATAIR LAH SIA! AKU WANT ONE AND SHIT HAPPENS! PSL KAU NYE PROBLEM AKU BLANG KAT DIE, DIE TAK DE NAK BOBAL NGAN AKU MCM DULU KAU TAU TAK!!! AKU BINGIT!!! PLS LAA EH!! AKU SAYANG DIE MCM AKU SAYANGKAN KAU MASE DULUUUUUUUU AND NOW THINGS ARE GOING ROTTEN BETWEEN ME AND HIM!!!! fuck off laaaaa jantannnn sial! and to me love! i wanna make it up to you syg. please understand me. you havent grant me the last chance seh. )=
and hari ini, sayer chat ngan KaliesaLove on the phone ar! best tawuuuu chat ngan dier. yesyess, kaliesalove jer tau aper tu DLPFKZXZ yeah! XOXO loves. Esoooook datang rumah deanaa camwhore ye? Then lepakmakanetc kay! Lovelovelove KALIESALOVE aku laah kan(:
it was damn fun webcamming with you, you vainpot boy!
I said i was sorry, countless times. But all you did was nudge your shoulders.
Hellowellojelloh people~ Sorry i didnt update yesterdayy! Was busy out with Faiiz ShafWanFarid. Went to KudaKepang and watched Kkromo feat. Astina. Wootwoot best or whuaat! Soo manymanymany kude peoples running around. I GOT HIT BY ONE! Me, Fafa Chocolate, Yuyul - Got "sondol"-ed by. Hurts yaw. Like for 2 seconds i thought it hit me only, because the hit was really supa UGH! but it's wayyyy 3 people's. Anyhoo, while watching i walked around and saw alot of other friends i have, NazEllaKakak CurlyhairFifiAliAli's MomAli's Adik and aloooooooooooooooooooooooot more. Anyways, baiiiiiiiikah lepak with Shaf and Farid and Faiiz. Like fun gituh lo. Amek gambar and all that laughing shiet was gerekkk! True, like Faiiz said, his friends are gerek. And yknow, Farid was talking crap when we were under block 481, only the 3 of us. He was uber fantastically RANDOM. Then he was on the phone with some person, and he explained to that person where we was this way, " Kite kat bawah block ade kerusi banyak tau, tapi takde meja. " Lol. Chinese or other people, dont understand, ask malay people. And so, at 930pm, i had to go off and i went off home alone like a loner walking alooooone under the scary block. SKALI! terserempak ngan budak fuhua sec tah aper namer dier. HAHAHAHHA. Said hi, and went off like an emo loner out there. Pfftch. Recieved a slap coz i was late. LOL, i know my mom. I cried. WHAT THE FUCK. hahahahaha.
More about what happened at night... UHMMMMMMM i had a good-bad day yesterday tapi its like aiyaa i know all this happens for a reason. and THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for tryna cheer me up Hakimiiii~ I know you call me not to hear me cry butbutbutbut i had to laa i opened up so much to you aper lagi kan nangis luh!
He thinks im cute. K, no big deal eh. HAHAHAHA.
Hello readers, I made this nice banner for a blogskin.. but the codes were corked up. Anyways! I have a thing or two to say to someone in my life who has a freaking problem with HER attitude (: She's very unreasonable. Mistakes i make on my own, you wanna freaking "masok-campor" for what? Kau nak terase, go ahead laa eh. Readers, I've this bad habit to SWEAR my heart out whenever im angry. So if you think im vulgar, i think you're right. 100% right.
ALRIGHTOS! Now for my main topic! CAN I PLEEEEEEEEEEASE HAVE INTERNET CONNECTION AT THE BEACH? Wanna know why? I can always webcam with my overseas pal while showing off singapore's beautiful scenery. He/she might be interested and wanting to come to singapore on a holiday some time. Other reasons? Mmmm... Well, when im bored or so, lets say i have pitched up a tent, I can always go online and play games or log into MSN to chat with my other friends and ask them to come over! (: That's all though.
Live Life Online Anywhere with SingTel BroadBand on Mobile Youth Plan! Visit www.singtel.com/youth for details.
Lets hope i get this MacBook. I've always wanted one. Heh!
Hello world ! I saw an advertistment yesterday on Channel 5. It's about people looking for Singapore Idol bloggers. Ohh yay! Im so gonna participate(: ANYWAYS! as you can see, above is a song i think is unique and cool. Its called Jumping out the window by Ron Browz. Its nice. Hmmm. I wonder what to blog about today...
How's about broken hearts? Im in the mood after a great long breakdown just today. Dont ask why. I only tell to those i trust. Oh, im fucking still crying. Now i got no mood already lah. Dont say you love me just because you didn't want me to be hurt. You liar. Mata berlolok macam fishball. ARGH. I fucking loved you and shit is what i got in return? I did that "thing" because i loved you. You fucking think im your toy? Well you got the wrong biatch! If you're doing that to your current gf, IM CLAPPING HANDS AND FEET FOR YOU. You hurt me alot, and you DIDN'T APOLOGIZE at all. What's up with you? You and your fucking girlfirend can go and die! YOU YOU YOU ... FUCK! Bargh! Im sorry, biatches, I GOTTA CHANGE MY LINK. MY FUCKING DAY IS FUCKING FUCKED UP SO IM FUCKING GONNA CHANGE MY LINK SO THAT FUCKING FUCK WONT KNOW ACROSS MY FUCKING BLOG, SORRY PEOPLE! SORRY! I feel good after this post.
Anyways, I wish Saturday arrives faster. Bibik's coming home and i wouldn't have to do the housework yaw! Woot woot. Miss her siols! Hahahaha. Wish she brings back souvenirs. Hmmm (:
This is FAIZZIN! I knew him since idkwhenalso, and i think he's a greatgreat friend to talk to. Woohoo, he rocks tau tak! (L)
Hello people, i just came back from watching Hannah Montana movie with my brother and his girlfriend. I'm so touched by one of her songs, The Climb. All along, while watching the movie, i have someone in my mind. I was thinking of a someone. Look, people. I love this guy but i cant find the reason why. I wouldnt put much hope on him, because thing has been different since yesterday. I keep on asking myself, why am i always in love with the wrong guys? That was before. But, im not really sure about this guy. I cant rush things between us. Time's the only thing that will take me to the path that i'm wanting to look forward to go to. I always daydream about you, think about you before i sleep and pray for the best in you. If only i knew you earlier... If you know what i mean.
ALRIGHTOS! Let's start blogging about the main topic(s) which is/are... DIFFERENT TYPES OF PEOPLE IN SINGAPORE AND WHY MUST THEY EXSIST SIOLS. What do i mean by different types of people in Singapore? What i mean is.. No offence ah. Mat reps, Minah reps, Minah tudungs, etc? This is not critisizing people. It's what they so called "label" all these type of people. They may say, "dont judge a book by its cover". But, first impressions count. It so depends on how you look! *oh, im mainly talking about mats and minahs yea*
MAT REPS AND MINAH REPS; They normally get looked down on by other people because of their attitude and look. Mats and minahs are only malays, they might be making others look down on their religion! I think we need a doctor for fashion. Girls, stop showing skin. It's sexy, but come on. Dont show too much skin lah! And hey, what up with the thin eyebrows, thick eyelashes? MIGHT AS WELL NOT HAVE EYEBROWS RIGHT! You people might think its pretty and all. But others behind you might talk rotten shit about you! Whenever i see some girl with really thin eyebrows, i'd say, "Girl, you dont need eyebrows no more". And mat reps nowadays start doing adjustments to their eyebrows? They trim it?! How unbelieveable. What's happening to all these type of people in this generation? Has they gone mad? Okay la, some of you guys may say, "Their life, let them be" but what if other people from around the world comes to Singapore and sees such people? Oh crap. I dont know what they're gonna say. Next, I dont understand why the hell they like to type with such UGLY type of abbreviations, or like, those funny kinda wordings. For instance, in malay, " Ahque narqq pergyy sqowlarh uhr.." Like wtf? Some people can't understand the shit you're talking about. So if we go, "huh?". You have to repeat and if we still dont understand, back to square one it is. Alright, im tired of talking about crappy people. Till here yawz!
PARIS HILTON; Hey Paris, i'm a big hater of yours. Your nipples stick out of ur dress and you're a slut. Don't you realise that, rich bitch? You got no boobies. Barghahhahaa! How random of me to talk about that rich slut, Paris Hilton. To those who likes/loves PH, Oh, im sorry but i despise that slut! Going around, kissing boys and shit. Totally not my thing! Dosen't she realise that she's a real slut? Even BRITNEY SPEARS is better than her in every way. Tsk!
Movie review of Hannah Montana's. It's TOTALLY cool. You guys should watch it. The songs, the dance, totally nice. Watch it yaw! 4/5 stars rated **** Sweet niblets(:
Xoxo, DEANA!
p.s.: I wonder, if you're ignoring me. If you are, why are you? I do have feelings for you. I wanna be the spark that lights up your life, and you'll never regret being with me.
WOT HAPPENED TODAY? i went out with firah and go west coast with her. i slipped and fell on the rocks and now owns 2 bruises, one on the butt and one on the knee. OUCH. bleeded okae. after having fun, went to macd to eat. then went to firah's house. she gave me a friendship certificate. cool shit (= love her lots.
anyways, i feel that i should make a blog where i let my emotions out. shall i? i shall. thanks. people, keep reading. totally improving eh, the number of people reading my blog. that's a good thing la. hahahaa. people, im in love. am i? i dont think i should, because that guy is a hotstuff. he might have alot of admirers. so let time lead the path. and ps, i dont noe why eh, out of a sudden eh, i feel like updating more.
let me copy bryan. i think like, i should start going out more. like, i totally deserve it seh. like, totally. like, bryan's blog is so coool with like, all those like, words. okay, am i like, irritating? okay stop eh. nanti orang think i got no originality, copying people. pfft. come on eh. stop it eh. and i realise i tend to type alot of "eh" in my posts eh? hahahahaha. that's what i mean. habit eh. haahahaha. alright, i think thats all for today. im tired. i wanna chat with amin hulk! toodles.
Aloha readers! Today, i'll be blogging about a song that i really really think its nice. It's stuck in my mind now! Haha. Title is, "Be With You" by Akon. I heard it over at Elfiean's blog. He's a friend of mine. Anyways, I love this song because of the cool rythm and sweet lyrics. Here's some of the lyrics that i love.
You are everything in my life see the joy you bring
And aint no one I can compare you to
And I know that you will never walk away from me no matter what And thats why I plan to do the same thing for you
And I want you to know
And I dont care what they say
Im gonna be with you, Im gonna be with you
I wanna be with you
And I dont care what they do
Im gonna be with you Im gonna be with you
Im gonna be with you
Awesome isn't it? This song actually reminds me of the great times a couple can spend time with. It makes me think that i'm in love. OR, am i? As usual, you guys will think, "Deana's never not in love". True? You find out. I guess i am though. It's not really the time to think of all these eh. I find myself always confused whenever i'm in love. I don't want to elaborate more about me being in love. Akon's hit is totally rockin' my speakers. My sister too, loves this song. Haha! Okay, well that's about it.
Till then, Take care Readers. Much Love. Stay tuned! Xoxo.
Hey readers! How's it going? Im finally gonna start updating with total eagerness, if you knw what i mean. Past few posts, i havent been updating proerly. So i guess its time! I serve nuffnang now. Just joined it yesterday. I find it cool coz i get to read alot of interesting blogs. Well, today, im going to talk about a few things such as my life without a maid and problems that im going through now.
Maid has gone back to her kampung on the 27th of may this year. We all know, or at least you guys are about to know, that im a real lazy bummer. I dont do housework, or babysit. im simply not my thing. The first few days till today i've been suffering! Lots to do yaw. well at least to me its alot :P I dont really have to do the housework i just have to take care of my lil bro. because my sister can handle the housework. You guys cant imagine what good deeds he does for me. Sickening. The thing is, i went to shower, and i gave him some crackers to eat while watching TV. As i step out of the toilet, i saw the crumbs all over, he didnt eat a single bit but instead, he made himself a so called "SAND PIT" made out of cookie crumbs -.- IRRITATING! And i had to sweep all that up. Grr. Angry much.After a while, i went to change and as i came out of the room, i searched for that lil rascal and i saw him pouring water from the kitchen toilet to the kitchen, causing a minor flood. I was so angry. I then didnt scold him. Instead i made him milk, just to make him shut up. Still, he didnt.
i have alot to say today. let me start with waikit. your jokes are harsh, and i hate the fact that you made me angry, you made me mad, and THEN you told me that you like to joke harshly. if you did told me earlier, i wouldnt be so fucking serious about that "joke" of yours. calling me that makes me sound so.. you know. but i dont give a fuck with you anymore yes? because i know in school, lotsa people are talking about me! next, to derick. what's wrong with you now? you're way beyond different gyea. you know what i mean. i need your answer. at least leave me a text?
finally to my family members. do your part to take care of that lil rascal of ours la? bibik's coming back in no time. like 6 days! hmmm.. im suffering know, doing work and shit. not my thing.
and massy massy massy, you're back in my life. i wont do it again lil brother didnt know how to take care of himself, his fucked up child attitude is super irritating wich makes me so mad, no. he peed and i didnt realise, ON MY PANTS while he was sitting on top of me! then he peed on the floor, i didnt see, and i slipped and fell, while doing a split.
then i had to wipe all the pee on the floor with my sister helping me.
AND NOW, MY LIL BROTHER IS SO NOISY, MAIN MAINAN MACAM CONSTRUCTION SITE! WHY MUST I HAVE SUCH A BAD BAD SATURDAY? *cry* actually, there's more than meets the eye. -- shit happens